Physioworks Camberwell
03 9889 6611

518 Camberwell Road,

Camberwell VIC 3124

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Australian Physiotherapy Association
03 9889 6611

518 Camberwell Road,

Camberwell VIC 3124

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Physioworks Camberwell
03 9889 6611

518 Camberwell Road,

Camberwell VIC 3124

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While injuries in sport are commonplace at all levels and age groups, it is still important to accurately diagnose and manage the injury as soon as possible

James Serong – Waverley Park Physiotherapy Centre Physio and Box Hill Hawks Head Physiotherapist – suggests seeking early assessment to ensure the injury is being optimally managed and the return to sport journey is planned.

Unfortunately, some injuries are quite traumatic and will need urgent attention, whereas others may seem quite innocuous and only really present as an issue the next day.

Common signs to look for are swelling, restricted joint range of motion, feeling of giving way, clicking/clunking or locking, or even simply finding it difficult to put weight through the limb.

A relatively new acronym to the injury management scene is P.O.L.I.C.E. It stands for

  • (P)rotect
  • (O)ptimal
  • (L)oading
  • (I)ce
  • (C)ompression
  • (E)levation.

The last three words are fairly familiar to many from the alternative acronym RICE, but the first two sections are what is important for optimal management of particular injuries (i.e. protecting an injured ligament and ensuring it is not loaded too much too soon).

At Waverley Park Physiotherapy Centre, Physio James Serong provides the same treatment principals he applies at the elite level with the Box Hill Hawks (VFL) to male and female footballers & athletes playing at the local community level, such as the Waverley Park Hawks

Call the clinic now on 9795 0668 to book an appointment with James or any of the WPPC physiotherapy team for any acute sporting injuries and ensure you are on the right path to recovery.
