Physioworks 30 years
03 9889 6611

518 Camberwell Road,

Camberwell VIC 3124

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Australian Physiotherapy Association
03 9889 6611

518 Camberwell Road,

Camberwell VIC 3124

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Physioworks Camberwell
03 9889 6611

518 Camberwell Road,

Camberwell VIC 3124

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A core philosophy of the Physioworks Health Group is our ongoing commitment to health care research education. Physioworks Director and Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist Andrew Dalwood and WPPC Physiotherapist Chris Snell are involved in two new research studies with the University of Melbourne.

The research will be conducted on selected patients at Physioworks Camberwell and Waverley Park Physiotherapy Centre (WPPC).

Overseen by the Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine (CHESM) at the University of Melbourne, the first study is on Chronic Knee Pain, using exercises administered over the internet to clients.

This study will investigate the effects of a physiotherapy-guided home exercise program delivered by Skype and an online pain coping skills training (PainCOACH) program for people with persistent Knee pain and/or Knee Osteoarthritis (Knee OA)

hope hip pain study

The second research study is a Hip Pain Study called HOPE.

It involves Hip Osteoarthritis (Hip OA) research looking at an exercise base treatment approach.

The study involves treatment of people over 50 years of age, who have been experiencing persistent hip pain for 3 months or over.

The study will be comparing the combination of physiotherapy guided exercise, a home exercise program, plus the addition of different forms of education provided online and how this can reduce hip pain and improve function.

physioworks research studies

Read more about our involvement in research studies here.